I hail from Bombay, India where my grandparents and parents all inspired my love for food and engrossed me in the kitchen from a very young age. I have lived in Miami and New York most of my life and have been inspired by their own local cuisines. I met my significant other in Stockholm, Sweden, so here I am now, exploring the food markets, gardens and culture! As we have the most beautiful kitchen, new and nostalgic dishes from our past come to life here. We love traveling to new places to be further inspired by all that we see and eat.
I am very much interested in nutrition, legumes, animals, gardening and antiques. I have a beautiful cat waiting for me to come get him from America.
I have a bachelors degree in English literature/communication. I just earned a second degree as an administrative dietitian or kostvetare from Uppsala University here in Sweden! I'm so happy about that because food is my passion and the fact that I understand nutrition means I can use it more strategically.
I have orchestrated cooking workshops in New York City and have finally started them here in Stockholm, along with tours of ethnic and farmers' markets! If you're visiting Stockholm, this could give you a more enriching experience of the city!
I'm also catering, so if you're interested, please get in touch and I'll send you a menu and price list!
I'm proud to call myself the chairwoman of The Swedish Legume Society called Baljväxtakademin. I actually market information/nutrition and recipes with legumes on their Facebook, Twitter (@baljvaxtakademi) and Instagram (@baljvaxtakademi), so why not follow them to learn some more about the superfoods called legumes?
In April 2014, I appeared for a week on the Swedish TV show Halv Åtta Hos Mig (the Swedish version of BBC's Come Dine With Me) on TV4. And I won, receiving the highest score out of any health or vegetarian week. You can watch me on season 12, episode 15 on tv4play.se. You can also watch a short clip on YouTube.
I have been published in ICA Buffé and was recently invited to debate on legumes on national Swedish radio. For more information, please see the press section.
It would be really great to hear from you! I can be reached at Velvetskies at gmail dot com.
You can also follow me on social media:
Twitter: Follow @Shootsntendrils
Instagram: @Shootsandtendrils
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